This platform exist on Binance smart chain for users to swap and begin using the ApeSwap network for various activities as a project that is supported by BSC, giving rewards as users engage in it. The program has already started in the jungle for all Apes on the blockchain to be a part of it on the Binance smart chain. The team has the aim to raise all gems in this platform as they will be seen as a part of the ApeSwap family who will enjoy the benefits when they apply, build and use the program. They will end up getting rewards and showing others how to rebuild and get interested in this platform.



You can apply using three major steps that are very simple.

The first is by adding liquidity to the platform through the token you hold. You can use the ApeSwaps token on this platform or on any other platform once you apply, evaluation bof projects too is necessary and as that is done applicants who have accepted the program will be able to support themselves and others. The members of the team are mandated to carryout some activities in the platform. The needed support will olbe gotten by the users who will immediately start functioning as the DEX token will be made a part of the system as the contacts of the users are obtained in line with the achievements of the platform. This platform has a potential for development of the community, it will provide necessary growth and make sure all firms are able to rely on the network. One of the proof of those ready to use this platform is the token which is shared. They are given the $BANANA token for them to steadily get rewarded by it. As the users finish the steps involved in the system they will get rewarded will have partners and will take the marketing responsibility for the development of the platfy as all expenses are cleared. The amount you spend bon audit and trading fees would be gotten back as kickbacks.


You will get enough to be able to carryout continuous trading and swapping on the platform. All the users will get what they deserve and will be motivated to continue using this platform to grow their portfolio. This is the time to grow and stay independent on the blockchain. There is no doubt about this platform because it would be done even better than how the team has planned it.

Website: https://apeswap.finance/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ape_swap
Telegram group: https://t.me/ape_swap
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/ape_swap_news
Medium: https://ape-swap.medium.com/
Github: https://github.com/ApeSwapFinance

Bitcointalk username: gulsoom2020

BTT Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2543035

Bsc wallet : 0xbd88Ee47b8b03Ee312FC1ccb3AFE8Bd90B2c8665


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